
Projects using Linux desktop, Linux Server and Small Form Factor Computers

Radxa X2L Computer Custom 3D Printed Case Photo
Radxa X2L Computer Custom 3D Printed Case
Enhance your Radxa X2L Computer with style using a custom 3D printed case with STL files on GitHub to print your own

Building a Linux server with an Asus Tinker Board Photo
Building a Linux server with an Asus Tinker Board
Using an Asus Tinker Board to build a small low powered Linux server

Raspberry Pi Zero Handheld Barcode Scanner Part 2 Photo
Raspberry Pi Zero Handheld Barcode Scanner Part 2
Part two of our Raspberry Pi Zero Handheld Barcode Scanner project

Raspberry Pi Zero Handheld Barcode Scanner Part 1 Photo
Raspberry Pi Zero Handheld Barcode Scanner Part 1
Part one of our Raspberry Pi Zero Handheld Barcode Scanner project

Raspberry Pi model A vs Model B Photo
Raspberry Pi model A vs Model B
Comparing the Raspberry Pi model A and the new Model B

ADC Pi Raspberry Pi I2C Analog to Digital Converter boards available to buy online Photo
ADC Pi Raspberry Pi I2C Analog to Digital Converter boards available to buy online
ADC Pi Raspberry Pi I2C Analog to Digital Converter boards available to buy online from our new shop at AB Electronics UK
