Since buying the GoPro Hero 3+ a few months ago we have found that the video suffers from washed-out skies when it is sunny and poor contrast.
We use Lee filters on our other cameras and we found that Lee had released a compact filter system for the GoPro Hero 3+ called Lee Bug 3+ Action Kit and Robert White in Poole, Dorset who we have purchased several other lenses and filters in the past had them in stock so we drove over to Poole and purchased the kit.
The kit contained:
- Lee filter holder
- Lee ND Grad
- Lee Polariser
- Storage pouch and a cleaning cloth
Today we fitted the new ND Grad filter onto the GoPro Hero 3+ and went for a ride across Studland Heath and back via the top of the Purbeck Hills and Nine Barrow Down. We filmed the ride and compared the video footage with a previous ride on the same route and similar weather conditions earlier this month.
The images below (click to view full-size still frame) show the difference between the GoPro with and without the filter fitted.

With the filter attached, we noticed vignetting on the corners of the video and occasional reflections from the back of the filter being captured in the top of the frame where the light was coming in behind the filter when the sun was behind us.