Today my blog experienced a dramatic increase in blog traffic that occurs when a project gets featured on the renowned tech website, Hackaday. This phenomenon, often referred to as "The Hackaday Effect," showcases the potential of a single post to exponentially boost site visits and page views for the Raspberry Pi solar logging project.

Typically, my blog averages 30-40 visitors and around 80 page views per hour. However, within minutes of the feature, traffic surged by over 800%, resulting in more than 1800 page views in the first hour. This spike gradually tapered off over the next few hours but demonstrated the significant impact of being featured on a popular platform.

The substantial increase in traffic brought an influx of questions and comments about the project. I am working to respond to each query. The server statistics up to 7 PM reflect this surge, underscoring the power of high-visibility sites like Hackaday in driving traffic and engagement.

Server stats for today up to 7 pm

hackaday traffic spike

The Hackaday Effect shows the importance of visibility on major tech websites for driving traffic to your website or blog. Featuring interesting projects can greatly enhance your reach and audience engagement.